Hi, I am Stefani, nice to meet you!

Hi, my name is Stefani. I am a frontend web developer with an interest in UX design. After working as a psychologist for a couple of years, I learnt that I am more of an immediate-problem-solver, than someone who can wait long to see the results of their work (which is often the case in psychology). This has led me to web development, where I can satisfy my curiosity and constant hunger for learning, as well as my artistic drive. I also find it especially convenient that I can use my understanding of human behavior and motivation behind decision-making to create effective and impactful digital products.

After completing several projects on my own (which can all be found here), I cannot wait to join a team and make beautiful and impactful applications alongside some inspiring people that I could further learn from. I am available for full-time employment in a company, as well as for remote work.

Thank you for checking out my work, feel free to contact me!

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