
React Movie App

Screenshot of React Movie App project

Frontend for the Jessica Chastain movies API. Built with React. Users can sign up, browse movies, read info about them, add movies to favorites and change personal details.

See project on GitHub Live demo Case study

Meet App - a React PWA

Screenshot of Meet App project

A React app for finding web dev events in cities around the world. Developed using TDD and BDD approaches. Based on Google Calendar API. Users can find movies by city, read details and see relevant graphs.

See project on GitHub Live demo

Your Favorite Book App

Screenshot of Book App project

A React app for searching books through the Open Library API. Users can search for books, read details and visit the app's about page. Built with React, React Bootstrap, React Router.

See project on GitHub Live demo


Screenshot of Pixagram project

A React and Google Firebase app for uploading and browsing photos. Users can log in, upload images, browse other users' images, see a page of their own pictures, see their profile details and search for pictures by name.

See project on GitHub Live demo

Angular Movie App

Screenshot of Angular Movie App project

Frontend for the Jessica Chastain movies API. Built with Angular. Users can sign up, browse movies, read info about movies, directors and genres. They can also add movies to favorites and change personal details.

See projects on GitHub Live demo

A Movie Database API

Screenshot of Movie Database API code

A REST API that connects to a NoSQL database with access to information about different movies, directors, genres and users. Users are able to sign up, update personal information, and create a list of favorite movies. The project uses the MERN stack.

See project on GitHub

Recipe App

Screenshot of Recipe App project

Vanilla JavaScript app for finding recipes by ingredients through API. Users can search for recipes by ingredients and get instructions for making a chosen meal, as well as a link for a video instruction.

See project on GitHub Live demo

To-do List - a jQuery App

Screenshot of To-do List App project

A simple jQuery to-do-list app. Users can add, read, delete and reorder list items.

See project on GitHub Live demo

Hello World - a React Native Chat App

Screenshot of React Native Chat App project

A chat app built using React Native, Expo and Google Firebase. The app provides users with a user interface and options to share their location, take photos and share images.

See project on GitHub